Gift of Pain-Free Life

In Sanskrit, hasta means “hand” and “mudra” means “gesture”, “seal”, “stamp”. So, hasta mudras are hand gestures that seal the energy flow in our body in a particular way and direct it towards the way we want it to go, thus positively act on our mood or make subtle mental and physical changes in our energy body. Ganesha mudra is named after the Lord Ganesha, known as remover of obstacles. I

AHIMSA – Yogic Non-Harming and Essential Oils

Ahimsa means anything from non-harming other people, animals, world around you, yourself  etc. I often take ahimsa as our responsibility of no injury but without being stuck on our principles which could endanger others.  This includes using essential oils in a yoga class without the individual consents of the students.

Make Menopause Matter – Part 2

Approximately 38 per cent of women seek help from a GP according to the Nuffield Health Group Research. One quarter of those women were misdiagnosed and the possibility of symptoms being menopause related was missed. Are we afraid to see GPs because of misdiagnoses and the general lack of knowledge out there? Or because of the complete misinterpretation of HRT (it is still the preferred go-to medication)?

By |2022-05-07T12:59:33+00:00May 21st, 2019|Blog, Fitness, Health, Motivation, Nature, Progress, Spirituality, Workout|0 Comments

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