Fully Accredited by Yoga Alliance
This course is intended for existing yoga students/teachers or those with intention of studying yoga.
The live training is undertaken over a period of 6 days of training. All the hours will be recorded and certifications will be issued in accordance with the number of hours attended. You will have to attend all days in order to receive the certificate.
Following the completion of this course you will:
- 55 hours, combination of online live, pre-recorded and in-studio (optional)
- Optional 30 hours advanced course (see more details)
- Online or In-Person
- Investment: £595
- Full 85 hours £695 (55hrs + advanced course)
- Understand anatomy and physiology of the reproductive cycle and in pregnancy
- Understand, practice and be able to teach a yoga class with a focus on restorative elements for pregnant women
- Understand, practice and be able to teach pregnant students pranayama techniques such as Ujayi, Bramari, Viloma & Pratiloma pranayama, diaphragmatic breath, balancing the swara.
- Gain knowledge and be able to teach pregnant students some specific breathing techniques suitable in pregnancy such as (but not limited to): Golden Thread Breath, Punctuating breath, Birthing breath
- Understand the common postures
- Common do’s and don’ts in pregnancy
- Gain knowledge in meditation and relaxation techniques in pregnancy, including stress management techniques.
- Become familiar with other styles of yoga suitable in pregnancy.
- Discover the roles of hormones throughout pregnancy
- Practice and learn Functional Alignment principles in Pregnancy Yoga
- Learn how to communicate Functional Alignment cues for all foundational poses found within traditional Sun Salutations, Standing Postures, and other common yoga postures suitable for pregnant students and used in pregnancy yoga setting.
- Discover and understand the stages of pregnancy and baby’s development
- Discover your unique potential to serve your pregnant students and learn how to support them through yoga and yogic techniques, including but not limited to, asana, pranayama, meditation
- Learn how to sequence a pregnancy yoga class for every stage of pregnancy
- Prior or during the course, the students are required to do some pre-course reading and class observations.
Assessment on the course is ongoing and will include watching taught classes and writing up observations, submitting a satisfactory class plans designed especially for pregnant women, and teaching a class that will be observed and assessed by the course tutors.
Following the completion of this course, the students will be able to design, plan and teach such rhythmic class to embody the qualities of Water element and to support their pregnant students.
Classical Yoga is the perfect base for teaching pregnancy yoga. However not all poses are suited to pregnant women.By completing this course you will have the sound knowledge and competence to teach pregnant women .I define pregnancy yoga as a practice that exercise the woman’s body in preparation for birth in such a way that it offers what is needed at the particular moment, exercising some tissues to provide much needed strength whilst providing relaxation of certain tissues where that is necessary. In pregnancy yoga, the intention is to provide the watery, rhythmic quality of the movement intelligently combining yogic practices and techniques with other physical styles and ancient traditions.
- The Friendlier, Easier Pace, Online or In person.
- 55 hrs + 30 hrs or 85hrs
- Choose your study pace
- Fully accredited
- Easy Pay by Instalments
This workshop explores some of the body changes that can occur throughout pregnancy and how yoga can support common challenges. Learn safe and simple modifications that can be incorporated into yoga practice to support both the parent and the baby during this sacred time.
- In Theory, Practice and Theory are the Same.
- Short Course – Online or In-person
- Cost: £40
- Yoga is a Light, Which Once Lit, Will Never Dim.
- Date – to suit you
An ADVANCED PREGNANCY TEACHER TRAINING MODULE OPTION as a supplement to 55 hours teaching yoga for Pregnancy training.
This is a much more detailed and specialist immersion which focuses upon later pregnancy (3rd trimester) stages.
This is open for pregnant women and those working with pregnant women for all stages of pregnancy but in particular during the third trimester of pregnancy. You will learn
- The Friendlier, Easier Attendance
- Suitable as an add-on to 55hrs or for existing pregnancy yoga teachers
- Pace to Suit your Needs
- Online or In-Person
- Investment: £195
- Asana (postures) Practice (suitable for all stages but in particular during the third trimester of pregnancy)
- Relaxing Yoga Nidra suitable for any stages but in particular during the third trimester
- Breathing techniques including relaxation techniques to keep calm and focused
- Theory part covering pelvis, stages of birth, movements and feelings
- Coping and distracting techniques including pranayama (breathing practice) suitable for each stage
- What is Active Birth and how does this differ from managed delivery
- Postures and breathing for delivery
- Postures and breathing for Birth
- Positive Mental Attitude to Birth
- Hospital Pain Relief along with Alternative and Natural options
- Others: Birth plan and preferences, perineum care, partner poses for relaxation
Female Mula bandha - Assana allowed during pregnancy in particular the third trimester as well as poses for labour
You will also: - Understand, practice and be able to teach a yoga class with a focus on restorative elements for pregnant women
- Gain knowledge and be able to teach pregnant students some specific breathing techniques suitable in pregnancy such as (but not limited to): Golden Thread Breath, Punctuating breath, Birthing breath
- Gain knowledge in meditation and relaxation techniques in pregnancy, including stress management techniques.
This course is not full pregnancy training course and you will not be able to teach pregnancy yoga just by attending this course. However, together with our Teaching Yoga for Pregnancy you will have full 85 hours.We will also cover:
Common do’s and don’ts in third trimester
Understand, practice and be able to teach pregnant students pranayama techniques such as Ujayi, Bramari, Viloma & Pratiloma pranayama, diaphragmatic breath, balancing the swara.
Prior or during the course, the students are required to do some pre-course reading and class observations. Assessment on the course is ongoing and will include watching taught classes and writing up observations, submitting a satisfactory class plans designed especially for pregnant women, and teaching a class that will be observed and assessed by the course tutors.
The students will be able to:
– Structure a class plan suitable for specific ailments in pregnancy for the third trimester
– Know and offer important alignment cues for pregnancy- Guide the student with inner power during the third trimester and prepare them for the active birth
Understand and be able to guide the students towards balancing their emotions by offering certain pregnancy relaxation techniques (e.g. pranayama, meditation or by using the tone of their voice) suitable for the third trimester
Understand and demonstrate the importance of teacher’s posture, voice tone, class set up, music, light and all the other possible direct and indirect condition
Understand and design a class plan suitable for each student i.e. advanced vs. beginner yoga practitioner
Understand, design, plan, practice and be able to deliver a yoga class suitable for each trimester
Design a class plan suitable for the third trimester – in a safe and inclusive way
Yoga Alliance Accredited Teacher Training
Yoga Alliance Accredited Teacher Training

Online or In-Studio – Choose the options

Fully supported and mentored

Payment by Instalments available

Yoga Alliance RPYT upon completion of full 85 hours