Beginners Yoga
When you are someone new to yoga, it’s hard to know where to start. At Heard and Heart Yoga, I love to work with yoga beginners with different class styles which serves as a great first step. It is my honour to embrace each student’s search for personal growth and well-being.
When you finally decide to start doing yoga, your head starts spinning. There must be several questions going through your mind. You keep asking yourself about trying Ashtanga or Iyengar yoga, and what’s the different between Vinyasa and Hot yoga. Yoga beginners are filled with energy, enthusiasm and a fresh outlook on life. Yoga for beginners class is suitable for all ages and fitness abilities. Students get to learn the basic elements of yoga – pranayama (breath technique), asana (postures), meditation. They learn the basic Surya Namaskar or The Sun Salutation. The use of easy yet powerful yoga postures teaches you how to begin your yoga practice. This class will build your confidence and prepare you for more experienced level classes. At Head and Heart Yoga, I will explain in details on how to do yoga the Sun Salutation sequence of poses and common mistakes and alignment corrections. The Sun Salutation is one of the most usually performed yoga sequences. It is a set of poses related together to salute or honour the sun, which is a source of life on earth, it is a powerful, energizing sequence that spreads the warmth throughout your body. I will demonstrate the ways to adapt the sequence to your needs so you can join other experienced yoga classes.
In order to get the benefits of yoga, it’s vital to figure out which style – hatha, hot, vinyasa – is the best match for you (although todays yoga styles all stem from Hatha yoga). Beginners yoga is all about getting familiar with the right yoga practices to develop your skills for experienced yoga classes. It’s all about listening to your body and letting go of stress and anxiety. It’s important to remember that the key to effectively practicing yoga is pranayama or controlling your breath. Head and Heart Yoga honours the body bringing strength and flexibility through the practice of asanas, increasing healing and energy. Together with the meditation and relaxation techniques, you can achieve the perfect balance: a healthy body, a calm mind and a peaceful soul.
Beginners yoga class is designed to cover all major yoga postures. At the end of this class, students will be able to take on other advanced levels of yoga classes at Head and Heart Yoga. The cost of beginners yoga class is £60 over 6 weeks or £14 for individual class.

Class Timings
Friday 19:30 to 20:30