Hasta Mudras or hand gestures, hand locks are energetic locks or seals. In Sanskrit, hasta means “hand” and “mudra” means “gesture”, “seal”, “stamp”. So, hasta mudras are hand gestures that seal the energy flow in our body in a particular way and direct it towards the way we want it to go, thus positively act on our mood or make subtle mental and physical changes in our energy body.

Apana mudra directs the space and water energy downwards.

How to perform (in a meditative position):

Sit in a comfortable position, and practice with each hand. Place the thumb to your middle and ring finger and extend index finger and little finger. Relax the hands on your thighs or your knees.

This mudra supports the removal of waste materials and toxins from the body – it supports the energy of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys. In Chinese medicine it is wood element.

In Hindu, it supports Water and Space elements. It has a balancing effect of the mind, patience, serenity and confidence. It also has the power of springtime, new beginning, shaping the future.

In pregnancy, this mudra is practiced when you’re faced with the new challenges towards the end of the pregnancy especially when faced with the imminent arrival of your baby. This mudra connects to downward energy in the body. It powers the contractions of the uterus during labour and the birth of the baby. Used for first stage of the labour. It is also used for emotional release.

If you would like to know more about how this mudra can help you in pregnancy, call us or book on Active Birth workshop.