As explained in some of my social media coverings as well as in my women’s yoga classes – this manifesto has been issued by Yoni Shakti and is for you to share and keep. As part of an educational movement to honour women and reconnect to our intuitive knowing about our bodies and to bring justice to all the women out there, especially women who are physically and psychologically abused in yoga industry, I am honoured to be able to share this with you.

The 11 page PDF document explains the basic principles for practising womb friendly yoga. This manifesto is here to help you, and help us all (men included) to educate and stop abuse from happening again. As many of you, my students know, during the special times of a woman’s life, including menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, when using IUD, postnatally and when hoping to conceive, special guidance is needed to practice certain yogic practices, including inversions, bandhas and pumping breaths. This is a useful reference for all of those who attend and run yoga classes. Some of the explanations as to what to do during these times, can be found on my website such as mula bandha, during my classes, or in Yoni Shakti (A Woman’s Guide to Power) by Uma Dinsmore Tuli.

I am honoured to be part of this movement and I will do what is in my power to stop this abuse from happening.

I honour my heart, my inner teacher my true guide.

Peace, love, light, and health to you all!
