And so the homemade GOLDEN SNACK nut butter is born! If you know me, you know how much I love this snack. And for all the lovers of homemade and cashews, this is is how you make it. 

You will need:

  • Freshly made Golden Snack (minus any fruit you may have added to it)
  • Pinch of salt (optional)
  • Pinch of pepper
  • Honey 

Combine the nuts, pepper and salt and process in the food processor. You will have to do this several times. First the nuts will turn ground, then form a lump, then it will gradually become oily. if you like your butter to be crunchy leave some crushed nuts out and don’t make it too smooth. Otherwise keep whizzing the food processor until it becomes smooth like a butter, add honey to desired taste. The butter is sweet already, but if you have a sweet tooth, you may wish to add a bit more honey. Fill in your pre-sterilised jars with your butter, and drizzle with extra honey.

Keeps for good few weeks.   


#golden snack


#nut butter


